Meet our Affiliate Community Group, Kainé Management

Our Affiliate Community Group, Kainé specialise in gospel arts through workshops, artist management and events in community and educational settings. We’re delighted to host a variety of Kainé showcases at Curve throughout the year.
We spoke with Maxine Chambers, Director/Trustee, from Kainé to find out more about the work they’re bringing to Curve this season.
Tell us a bit more about what Kainé do in Leicester?
We are a registered charity delivering Arts, Community and Education activities in the City. We are 17 1/2 years old and are here to support the people of Leicester to give them new experiences, new skills, help them overcome disadvantage, make friends, and have fun. We like to help people.
Which showcases are coming up at Curve?
We have two showcases coming up:
Mon 18 Nov – Oh Happy Days
Sat 30 Nov – Festival of Choirs IX
Can you tell us a bit more about them?
Oh Happy Days is a culmination event of singing workshops that take place in primary schools in the City. Children learn vocal harmonies and performance and then platform these on the Curve Stage. The initiative began as a Youth Music Funded programme but has been sustained by working in partnership with the schools. It’s great to see the children’s excitement and nervousness backstage before they perform and then their requests “Can we do It again” after the show.
Festival of Choirs IX is a performance of Community Choirs developed by Kainé Management and guests. It features the choirs that we work with throughout the year and is a highlight for us…Why? Because its great to see how folks who have an interest in singing get involved and then perform to such high standards. The genre is gospel and inspirational music and they do so well. I’m proud of all of the choirs.
What can audiences expect from a Kainé showcase at Curve?
Firstly, they will experience good music and performance. The shows are so fun and engaging that I would love to just sit and watch but have to be backstage helping out. As an audience member you could easily become a part of the show as there is lots of audience participation! We see our audiences as extended family and we hope they feel the same.
What is your favourite thing about Kainé?
I have many favourite things about Kainé but you can’t beat when someone feeds back positively about something they have enjoyed or participated in that we have put on. When you have an idea and implement it and then it’s enjoyed, it’s a real reward.
I also have to throw in singing for the Queen at Curve’s Launch event and then meeting Prince Harry at our Yes You Can event at Hamilton School when he came to Leicester.
I’ll stop there as the blog will go on and on…. Lol!
Kainé’s community programme is varied and for all ages, tell us more about the current initiatives and how to get involved?
We have a lot going on and it surprises me considering our limited resources. Here’s just a taster of what we do:
Yes You Can
School based programme that targets Year 8 students to over come barriers and make informed decisions for their futures.
Girls Can…
BBC Children in Need Funded programme that currently works with groups of girls aged 11 – 15 years in Saffron Lane and Beaumont Leys to engage them in positive activities.
Sisters Can
Female support group that works with young women aged 18 – 30 years which plans programmes that contribute to their personal self-development.
Working with single parents aged 18+ to support them in identifying needs and looking at addressing those needs to lead to positive outcomes for them and their children.
Still Got It
Engages senior citizens in performing arts workshops and provides the opportunity for them to share their talents.
Getting involved is easy, just get in touch if you want to participate, make suggestions for new programmes or want to financially invest or volunteer some time… It’s all welcome!
What’s next for Kainé?
It’s a question that makes me smile because we really don’t know. We started out 17 1/2 years ago to establish gospel choirs and host events but over time we have been involved in so much more. We try to take advantage of every opportunity and know that we want to continue to support this City with our Arts, Community and Education Programming. One thing we really want to do is reach our 20th Anniversary in May 2022.
Find out more about about Kainé