Meet CYC Acting Leader Mandeep Glover

Find out more about our CYC Act leader Mandeep Glover below!
Tell us something about you and your practice:
I’m still in the early stages of my career after recently finishing my Masters in Contemporary British Theatre, but I have dabbled in most aspects of theatre from being a Stage Manager to Acting. But my practice is based on my moto of ‘no nonsense fun’, after all theatre is a meant to be a creative hub of excitement and adventure.
What can people expect when they join CYC Act?
An environment where your thoughts and opinions are respected and an opportunity to learn new skills and theories and a chance to put it all into practice!
What are you looking for from your students?
I want my students to be willing to take a chance and try something new and to learn there is no harm in looking silly.
What is the best thing about working with CYC?
Seeing the transformation in the participants in to confident young adults.
What’s the best thing you’ve ever done?
Hands down it has to be working on the show Fiddler on the Roof, working with a 100+ community cast has been the most rewarding work I have done.
What’s your favourite joke?
Q: What do you call a bear with no teeth?
A: A gummy bear
(Yeah I know that was terrible haha)
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