Cilla – The Musical is a spectacular and heart-warming musical adaptation of the critically acclaimed ITV mini-series about Cilla Black, by BAFTA award winner, Jeff Pope (Philomena, Little Boy Blue).
The story follows the extraordinary life of the ordinary teenage girl from Liverpool, Priscilla White, and her rocky, yet incredible, rise to fame.
The musical score features Cilla’s greatest hits – Anyone Who Had a Heart, Alfie, Something Tells Me and many more 60s favourites.
Kara Lily Hayworth fought off thousands of hopefuls to be named as the girl to play Cilla. Executive Producer and Cilla’s son, Robert Willis, said of Kara: ‘I knew she was the one my mum would have wanted!’
£42 – £10
15% off for Members
*Discounts are subject to availability and may be removed at any time. Only valid on certain performances - terms and conditions apply.