New Work Festival:
Producing Your Own Show Workshop



Are you a writer, actor or director who needs to learn to self-produce?

Spend a day with Curve Resident Creatives Emmerson & Ward (The MP, Aunty Mandy & Me, Conversations, Gypsy Queen) who have been writing and producing their own work, touring it and are now producing other people’s shows.

The morning will focus on how to produce as a writer or performer, while the afternoon will focus on some of the nuts and bolts of producing and small-scale touring.

This workshop will run from 11am – 5pm, including a lunchbreak.

Age recommendation 18+


£3 or free with a New Work Festival show ticket.

This event will be BSL Interpreted. If you require the interpretation, please mention this during your booking or e-mail with your order number and personal requirements.

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